What is DNS (Domain Name Server)?

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What is DNS (Domain Name Server)?




Every PC on the Web has an interesting number, which is called a Web convention address. At the point when we visit a site, we interface with the IP address of the site’s server and through this association we get data from the site server.



To interface with a Site, be that as it may, we really want to realize the IP address of the particular server. To be more exact, our PC has to realize the IP address of the predetermined server.



Here is the place where the DNS comes like a machine God to take care of the issue!



DNS is the initials of the Area Name Server (for example Web name server) and addresses an assortment of servers (for example PCs) that work very much like telephone catalogs.



At the end of the day, they contain a shockingly enormous territory of Web names, joined by the IP address of each name.



When, for instance, we type “www.xyz.com” in our internet browser, we initially associate with the DNS of the supplier through which we approach the Web (Network access Supplier) and demand to be educated regarding the IP address that compares to the Internet based name “xyz.com”.



Assuming all works out positively, the DNS server answers for example, our program speaks with the server of the XYZ site and consequently the correspondence is made.



To call a close buddy, we would need to get the telephone directory (DNS) and track down his name (xyz.com) to figure out his number ( By calling his number, we associate with his home (server) and speak with him.



A telephone directory is refreshed yearly, while the DNS server is normally refreshed each 24 to 72 hours. To this end the new names of the Web are made accessible to Web surfers as a rule following 72 hours.

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